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The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) is the official and legally binding contract for the Foothills Pointe Association.  This legal document constitutes the contract and defines the relationship between the Foothills Pointe Owners' Association and its members (property owners) and provides for equal opportunity of common property enjoyment, maintenance and protection of common property components, and safety of residents and their guests.  Every member of the Association agrees to accept this contract when purchasing property within Foothills Pointe and also agrees to abide by all rules and regulations stated in the CC&Rs, the Bylaws and Association rules.

The Association is responsible for preserving the aesthetics of Foothills Pointe as well as to protect and maintain all of the property's buildings, grounds and common areas as established by the CC&Rs.  The rules have been adopted to ensure that the property can be properly maintained and uniform and appealing in appearance.

Additionally, rules are established to ensure safety of residents, protection of property and equal opportunity and access to the common property.  Below are the governing documents for the Foothills Pointe Owners' Association.

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